Husson Falters in Week Two; Defense Shows Improvement

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Bangor, ME – Husson University Football played Springfield College for the seventh straight year on Saturday, falling to the Pride 36-2. Though the triple-option formation gave Husson trouble at times, the Eagles had a few drives where players were able to make key plays and big stops.

Husson first drive was short lived after a sack of quarterback Kash Keezer and a delay of game penalty led to a 3rd and long situation for the Eagles that found Keezer being intercepted by Springfield's Peter Remmes at midfield.

The Pride took over with 12:59 remaining in the first, as Mike Davis rushed for 16 yards, and with the help of a Husson facemask penalty, the Pride set up on the Husson 14. Three plays later, running back Mike Davis scampered into the end zone from eight yards out to score the games first touchdown.

On the next possession Husson would go three-and-out, as current Eastern Collegiate Football Conference Rookie of the Week, Reece Attard would punt to the Pride who also failed to score on their next drive.

In fact, both teams traded failed drives until Springfield started a drive after a downed punt at their own 43 yard line. Brodie Quinn rushed for three yards on consecutive plays, followed by two rushes and an incomplete pass from newly inserted quarterback Rob Merckling. Merckling enterted the game in the first quarter after starting quarterback Austin Bateman suffered a gruesome arm injury. Five plays later, running back Andy Bean scored his own eight yard touchdown. Kicker Ricky Peacock added the point after, pushing the score to 14-0 Springfield.

The Eagles were forced to punt once again early in the second quarter and the Pride took advantage even with less than advantageous field position. Springfield used a 9-play, 84 yard drive capped off Joel Altavesta 16-yard touchdown to move ahead 21-0.

A fourth running back got into the scoring column for the Pride on their next drive as Frank Bianchi upped the lead to 27-0. Godfrey Taylor of Husson got into the action as Peacock's extra point attempt was blocked by the grad student playing in just his second year of collegiate football. Peacock later added a 3-point try from 29 yards out after an 11 play drive spanning 65 yards in only 1:14 stalled.

The run-heavy Pride threw the ball successfully only three out of the six times, but made the best of them connecting for first downs each time, and a touchdown in the fourth quarter. Merckling threw for 45 yards on the fourth play of a 79-yard drive, hooking up with Phil Baier. Peacock would be blocked again, as Stephan Dance got a hand on the point after. Dance had a day on defense, recording 11 solo tackles, 14 overall and had three blocks to boot.

The Eagles did put points on the board on the afternoon, forcing a safety of quarterback Rob Merckling after the Springfield drive started on its own two. Jeremy Lessard and Dellon Douglas were able to penetrate to Merckling, as Douglas was awarded the safety. The Eagles two points solidified the final score, 36-2.

After the loss Head Coach Sean Murphy said: "Springfield is the premier program on our schdule and i am proud of team for the hard play despite facing adversity throughout the game and end result. Our special teams play was solid while the defense was tested the entire game and our offense struggled to establish momentum. We need to continue progress in minimizing mistakes, limiting big plays of our opponents and putting ourselves in position to utilize any momentum we get."

Husson will play its third straight home contest a week from today at 1:00pm as fellow Eastern Collegiate Football Conference (ECFC) member Anna Maria will travel to Bangor for a non-conference clash.

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