Welcome to the new look of D3football.com!

Dear Division III football fan,

We've been waiting for this update for a long time and we're glad to bring it to you! There's a new look for D3football.com, and it will be coming to the other D3sports.com sites as well. 

Our primary goal with this redesign was to make sure to take care of our mobile users. Previously, our mobile site has been clunky, poorly designed and stripped down to a bare minimum amount of information. Now, you'll have access on your mobile device to everything else that you would get on your laptop or desktop screen.

And for that, we ask that you please think of us kindly when you see ads and not block them. About 90% of our revenue in any given year is derived from ads that appear on our sites, and if you block them, then we don't get compensated. We don't charge a subscription fee or anything of the sort for our daily coverage throughout the year, so please allow advertisers to pay us for your visit.

Thanks, and we look forward to the playoffs getting underway!