The new look of!

Welcome to the new-look! The folks at PrestoSports have given us a nice clean, modern look and feel to the site. Here's where you can find some things you might miss:

Where can I find links to the other sites?
Those links are in the Network menu near the right-hand side of the page. Also, you can find a list of logos by clicking the D3 network flag on the upper right-hand corner of the site.

Where can I find your various social channels?
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube links are near the upper right as well, in a spot you may have seen them appear on other sites.

How can I find a link to your message board?
The message boards,, remains in the Network menu, as well as behind the D3 network flag, and can be reached clicking the link for it in the social links section. It looks like a message written on a clipboard.

I'm an SID. How do I log in?
SID login procedure hasn't changed, so if you have a bookmark set, use it. Also, there's a link in the social channels space that looks like a pen, a customary editing icon. You can click that. No need to scroll down.

What's new in this design, other than the look?
One key thing we have brought is a feature that people have been asking for for years: Stadium photos. If you visit our team pages, you'll see a photo of the stadium (or a space for a photo, if we don't yet have an image). We've reached out to acquire these photos and we have well more than half of the schools represented. I'm sure the rest will come in soon. Here is a particularly stunning example

Where are the conference standings on team pages?
We needed to redesign this page significantly for a couple of reasons and now the standings for that team's conference are in a tab next to a team's schedule. 

Will this design be used on the rest of your sites?
Yes, it will. Not sure of the time frame, but they will all be redesigned similarly.